Please pray for me and my family in the coming weeks. After a lengthy discernment, I have decided to have some pelvic surgery to correct some significant prolapse that I have been suffering with over the past two years. I have shared with many of you how difficult this decision has been to make but I feel such peace about moving forward with the surgery. The most awesome news is that at this point I will NOT be having a hysterectomy-which leaves the option on the table to maybe one day carry another child, if that is the Lord's will. I have such a peace about doing this. My procedure is scheduled for Monday, April 9th. It is a lengthy recovery and I will expect to miss a minimum of three to four weeks of WWP. The biggest way you can "bless" me through this is to PRAY for me and my children. You can imagine the anxiety I have felt with knowing I will not be able to mother in the same way for a short season. I am dreading being away from the kids. I am not supposed to lift anything more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks! Please pray that Tripp will be well cared for during this time and still feel loved by his Mama even when I can't carry him around! I'll keep you posted on my recovery!
Good luck, Jodi! I will be praying for you and your family!
Erika, thanks so much for your prayers and your comments on my blog. It means a lot that you have taken time to write!
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I can relate to that but not totally. I will keep you in my prayers.
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