My experience with first light this morning came hours later than normal. My husband gave me the gift of wrangling up our kids and hushing them downstairs so that I could get some extra rest. I stayed in bed longer than I have since I can remember. Sleep has been alluding me lately so I was very thankful for the time under my covers this morning as the sun peaked its head up and then began to shine brightly through our two bedroom windows.
I spent my time with God this morning in the quiet of our bedroom. I could overhear the squeals of delight from downstairs and cries of the baby from his highchair. The rain started to fall and it tapped on our rooftop. And even though I did not get up at 6 am this morning to spend time with God, it was just as precious to give him my "first" thought and breath and to start the day in prayer.
My prayer this morning was of gratitude. I am thankful for my healthy children, thankful for a husband who puts my need for rest above his own, thankful for our home, thankful to wake up another day. I am grateful to God for all that He is. For all that He reveals and doing in my life. He is faithful. Constant. Unchanging. Forgiving. Loving. This morning instead of rattling off a list of fears or requests, I lingered in listing the ways that God has blessed and adorned me. What started off as an idea to list the top ten things for which I am most grateful turned into a whirlwind of prayer mixed with a multitude of praise for what has given to me.
At first light this morning I found gratitude. Gratitude for the good and the heartache. Gratitude that no matter how big my worries may be, they are nothing when placed at the foot of the cross. Gratitude that I have a God who loves me so much He was willing to die to claim me eternally as His own.
What a joyous "first light"......
Blessings in His Light,
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